
School Magazine

  • COLLEGE is the title of the magazine because it is aimed at students who go to college.

  • The college itself publishes the magazine every end of term

  • Other media interests that the magazine has is music as someone is holding a saxophone.

  • The magazine is free as it gets sponsorship from the school to do the printing etc.

  • The magazine does have a website, as it is linked off of the actual colleges website where you can download other editions of the magazine.

  • The target audience of the magazine is pupils in the college at about the ages of 16-19 year olds.

  • You can see this by the type of articles it has advertised on the cover for example, 'Bouncers and fake IDs'

  • The reader can interact with the magazine because it has many current issues advertised which the reader may be able to relate to.

  • The person on the front of the magazine is similing and is quite young, around the age of the target audience, so this tells us that the magazine is aimed at people around the same sort of age.

  • Particular things that are featured in the magazine are the latest music, latest issues such as teenage mums coping with school and fake IDs.

  • Different colours and styles are used on the magazine to make it look more like a proffessional magazine that you could buy in a shop, for example it has a picture of someone as the main focus of the cover with different headlines around them showing what sort of thing is available in the magazine.

  • The magazine looks similar to other magazines because they often just have one picture as the focus in order to gain the readers attention to see who is in the magazine, like this school one has done.

  • The magazine doen't look cheap because the way it is presented makes it look like it is featuring big bands on the inside, and if it looked cheap then bands wouldn't necessarily want to be associated with it.

  • I think the reasons for the magazines popularity are that a lot of students in the college can relate to the issues that it is covering as they are quite grown up issues and students around that sort of age are dealing with those kinds of problems and would like to read about them and how they could be dealt with.

  • The magazine offers its readers advice and interviews with people that they may be interested in.

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