

  • This magazine is called evolve because it is aimed at people who are in their early teens and it is gives connotations of them growing and evolving into young adults.

  • The magazine is published by the pupils of George Stephenson High School and it is published every time for example this is the spring 2009 edition.

  • Other media interests that the magazine has is the latest popular things of children in that age bracket for example the twilight book.

  • The magazine is free because it has a sponsor which pays for the printing etc. so with a sponsor there is no need to charge because they dont have to pay anything out anyway.

  • The target audience for this magazine is children aged 11-16 because this is the age that the pupils will be starting high school and finishing so people will be aiming to give it to people in that age bracket because they will be the same age and know what they would like to look at in a magazine.

  • As well as having the popular media items on the cover, there is also a picture of an abstract building, this could be of the school to show that the school can contain different topics as well as school subjects.

  • Different types of graphics and colours are used to try and gain the attention of the reader to try and entise them into reading the magazine and show that it is youthful and exciting.

  • The cover looks different to other magazine covers because most other magazines show one large picture of the main attraction on the front cover to show people what the magazine is including that week, but this magazine has a variety of different images to show readers that there are a lot of different things included.

  • The presentation of the magazine looks very proffesional as the pixels aren't out of focus and the colours compliment each other so everything is visible to the reader and the reader doesn't have to try hard to see anything on the page.

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