
Reader Profile

This is the reader profile which has images of things that the target age group are interseted and things that are related to school and colleges in order to show what sort of things can be included within the magazine.
There are also some facts about students at the bottom to show that the magazine has reasearched its target audience and know what sort of things they will be interested in reading in the magazine.

Contents Page for School Magazine

This is the contents page for my School Magazine, where the colours are bright and blend well together in order to make it more appealing for people to read.
There is a random fact in order to make the magazine mroe fun and relatable for the students.

Front Cover of School Magazine

This is the front cover for my school magazine.
I have used the design of the flat plans which were discussed with my focus group, to complete it.
The photograph that I took is the main focus of the front cover as it grabs the attention of the reader because its aims are for people the same sort of age as the person on the cover.

School Magazine Picture

This is the photo that I have chosen to use for my front cover of the school magazine because it is a medium shot of a pupil.
The picture is suitable for the front cover because it shows a student with a book and a smile on her face which gives an impression to the readers that it is a good place to be. Also the picture was taken in school grounds which makes it more appealing to readers.

Front cover & Contents page flat plans

After talking with the focus group, it was decided to have this style as the front cover, as it has the picture in the middle which makes it the main focus of the front cover. It then has the title in the top corner with features inside the magazine scattered around the picture.

This is the contents page where it has a large title across the top of the page with a fun fact next to it to enable reader to interact with the magazine.
The contents of the magazine will be listed just off centre of the page to gain the attention of the reader so they know what they can expect inside the magazine. Along the side of the the list there will be pictures of students from the school to make the magazine more relatable to the readers.


Audience Focus Group

Emma Herron, 17

Likes: Netball, Music & Prison Break

Dislikes: Celery, Heavy metal & the One Show

School: SHSG

Ellie Farrell, 17

Likes: Eating, Parties & Fashion

Dislikes: Soup, Freckly arms & Being Late

School: SHSG

Cassie Elliott, 17

Likes: Holidays, Friends & Going Out

Dislikes: Rats, BO & Feet

School: SHSG

Dean Hazelton, 13

Likes: Football, Golf & TV

Dislikes: Basketball, Homework & getting up early

School: SHSB



  1. Would you be interested in having a school magazine?

  2. Would you be willing to pay for it?


3. Would it interest you more if it was free?

Yes/ No

4. Do you buy magazines outside of school?


5. If so, what do they offer that is interesting to you?


6.  Do they have eye catching images on the front cover?


7. If so, what sort of images are they?


8.  Does the magazine have any regular features e.g. Horoscopes? 


9. If the school had any regular features what would interest you?



School magazines

  • This magazine is called FFH because it is the initials of the school.
  • They published the magazine themselves and make them every end of term.
  • Some other media interests that the magazine has is cultural media for example the children on the front cover have hats of different land marks around the world for example the Eiffel Tower.
  • The magazine is free as it is a private school which pays for the printing.
  • The type of reader that this magazine is targeting is children in primary school from the ages of about 8-11.
  • You know this because this is the age group that is on the front cover
  • The facial expressions and the types of people on the magazine telll us that they are older children rather than young teenagers because they are wearing a school uniform and are wearing hats that look like they have been made.
  • The different colours are used on the magazine because they want to show people looking at the magazine that the school is looked after, you can tell this because it is set outside where you can see grass and trees in the background.
  • The magazine looks like other magazines because of the way that it is focused on the children of the school and the way the title is bold at the top of the page.
  • The magazine doesn't look cheap because it has been printed out by the school to give it a good representation and to make it look like a good school to go to.
  • The reasons for the magazines popularity is that parents of the children of the school like to know what sort of activities their children have available to them, and they also like to know how the school is doing because they would like to know that their children are having a good education and are in the right hands when they are not with them.
  • The magazine offers its readers a chance to see what sort of things the children are involved in within school and upcoming events, which help to keep the parents up to date and informed on different things within their child's school.

School Magazine

  • COLLEGE is the title of the magazine because it is aimed at students who go to college.

  • The college itself publishes the magazine every end of term

  • Other media interests that the magazine has is music as someone is holding a saxophone.

  • The magazine is free as it gets sponsorship from the school to do the printing etc.

  • The magazine does have a website, as it is linked off of the actual colleges website where you can download other editions of the magazine.

  • The target audience of the magazine is pupils in the college at about the ages of 16-19 year olds.

  • You can see this by the type of articles it has advertised on the cover for example, 'Bouncers and fake IDs'

  • The reader can interact with the magazine because it has many current issues advertised which the reader may be able to relate to.

  • The person on the front of the magazine is similing and is quite young, around the age of the target audience, so this tells us that the magazine is aimed at people around the same sort of age.

  • Particular things that are featured in the magazine are the latest music, latest issues such as teenage mums coping with school and fake IDs.

  • Different colours and styles are used on the magazine to make it look more like a proffessional magazine that you could buy in a shop, for example it has a picture of someone as the main focus of the cover with different headlines around them showing what sort of thing is available in the magazine.

  • The magazine looks similar to other magazines because they often just have one picture as the focus in order to gain the readers attention to see who is in the magazine, like this school one has done.

  • The magazine doen't look cheap because the way it is presented makes it look like it is featuring big bands on the inside, and if it looked cheap then bands wouldn't necessarily want to be associated with it.

  • I think the reasons for the magazines popularity are that a lot of students in the college can relate to the issues that it is covering as they are quite grown up issues and students around that sort of age are dealing with those kinds of problems and would like to read about them and how they could be dealt with.

  • The magazine offers its readers advice and interviews with people that they may be interested in.



  • This magazine is called evolve because it is aimed at people who are in their early teens and it is gives connotations of them growing and evolving into young adults.

  • The magazine is published by the pupils of George Stephenson High School and it is published every time for example this is the spring 2009 edition.

  • Other media interests that the magazine has is the latest popular things of children in that age bracket for example the twilight book.

  • The magazine is free because it has a sponsor which pays for the printing etc. so with a sponsor there is no need to charge because they dont have to pay anything out anyway.

  • The target audience for this magazine is children aged 11-16 because this is the age that the pupils will be starting high school and finishing so people will be aiming to give it to people in that age bracket because they will be the same age and know what they would like to look at in a magazine.

  • As well as having the popular media items on the cover, there is also a picture of an abstract building, this could be of the school to show that the school can contain different topics as well as school subjects.

  • Different types of graphics and colours are used to try and gain the attention of the reader to try and entise them into reading the magazine and show that it is youthful and exciting.

  • The cover looks different to other magazine covers because most other magazines show one large picture of the main attraction on the front cover to show people what the magazine is including that week, but this magazine has a variety of different images to show readers that there are a lot of different things included.

  • The presentation of the magazine looks very proffesional as the pixels aren't out of focus and the colours compliment each other so everything is visible to the reader and the reader doesn't have to try hard to see anything on the page.